The more you use Hypnosis to change, the quicker subsequent results from further sessions will occur. If you have more than one session you can listen to both during the same period or use one at a time it is up to your own preferences. You can listen as often as you like, however the following schedule is suggestedġ-2 times a week thereafter until 3 weeks after the desired results have been obtained. You need to listen to the Subliminals several times more often than you do Hypnosis Generally most people see results in a couple of weeks with Hypnosis compared to a couple of months using Subliminals. There is no magic bullet of speed if you are just listening and not participating. The more conscious effort you make the quicker the results.
Nothing is free as they say, so choosing a Subliminal Message session where you do nothing to contribute towards your change (as opposed to sitting and listening and following suggestions in the Hypnosis Session) will take longer. But then it will depend on your responsiveness to Hypnosis and unless you have participated in a Stage show or used hypnosis before, I am honestly unable to answer this.Īlso there is a difference between hypnosis which you actively participate in and Subliminal Messages which require no effort on your part. If you imagine that the quality (lets say Confidence) you want is on a scale of 0 to 100, obviously if you start at a rating of 50% confident it will take less time than if you start on a 20% level of confidence. Everybody responds at a different rate and everybody starts at a different point. This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on so many different factors. Using the MP3 on your computer or MP3 Player How Often should I listen to the Hypnotic MP3?
Instructions on How to use Hypnosis and Subliminal Message Sessions How to use Hypnosis MP3 or Subliminal MP3 Sessions.These childrens programs are formatted metaphorical stories specific to the title topic, that help a child to assimilate a new behaviours and reactions in a natural and safe way. Each story is underlayed with Rick’s Theta F# frequency combination that will immediately relax a child and allow the deeper levels of mind to accept the postive underlying meaning of the story. The Children’s Sleep Story MP3’s are a completely different format than the adult clinical hypnosis and they are different from the adult hypnosis MP3’s and they are completly safe and very effective. Instead of using the traditional hypnosis techniques required for adults the Children’s Sleep Stories are hypnotic metaphorical stories. The Children’s programs are heard as a story by the child they contain no direct suggestions. The subconscious mind never sleeps. Therefore the positive benefits of Rick’s MP3 programs can also be acquired by simply listening even when you are sleeping. If you want to make significant and lasting changes (form new habits) it can only ever be done via repetition at a subconscious level.

The subconscious mind is everything else, and to think that the process which can handle at most 7 pieces of incoming information (conscious mind) as opposed to the underlying process (subconscious mind) which can assimilate up to 400 trillion responses at the same time, is at best ludicrous. In simple terms, the conscious mind is our fight-flight and rational thinking survival mind. The subconscious mind by contrast has about 70 to 90 trillion cells to regulate and many other functions to perform via the sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous systems and it does this automatically with minimal input from the conscious mind. For example an individual with a well developed conscious mind to an intelligence level comparable to that of Einstein could consciously process a maximum of only 7 thoughts at any given moment. Another explanation is that the subconscious mind is like a hard drive on a computer, whilst the conscious mind is like a continuously changing floppy disc.